We are dedicated to providing the highest safety for our employees and clients.
COR Certified
H2S Alive/ First Aid/ WHIMIS/ TDG
Fall Arrest and Aerial Lift Training
CMIP certified through NAWMA
Magnacide H safety training
OSSA Regional Orientation Training
Construction Safety Training System (CSTS 09)
Applicator Licenses held by multiple staff:
Biting Fly
Exterior Rodent
Through our commitment to providing a safe work environment we have achieved our Certificate of Recognition (COR) as a member of the Alberta Construction Safety Association which recognizes our leadership in:
Safety certification
Application technology
Field level hazard assessments
Emergency response
Work permits
Job procedures
Environmental stewardship
Our team will work with you to choose the right control products and application methods that best suits your site and environmental considerations. As a partner in your Industrial Vegetation Planning, we will utilize integrated pest management principles to provide the most efficient, safe, and cost-effective program for your business today, tomorrow and for the future.
Environmental Sustainability Policy
Prairie Environmental Services Ltd. believes in managing the environmental effects and aspects of its operations. Having a clear understanding of how our company works within the environment and ways to reduce our footprint allows all of our company from management to season staff to have a driven understanding of where we wish to go, sustainability.
Prevent pollution and reduction of waste, and complying with all applicable regulatory environmental obligations.
Be committed to continual improvement of our environmental management mandate to enhance environmental performance by minimizing and, where reasonable, eliminating undesirable impacts from our operations.
Choose more environmentally sustainable operations from administration to operations where feasible.
Suitably train all staff on this and all other policies. With an understanding in ways to reduce our effects on the environment. Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner.
Select/ Use processes and materials geared to reduce or eliminate emissions, hazardous materials, and waste from our operations and the services we provide.
Where waste is generated, recycling programs are pursued.